The Barbecue Cleaning Co. - trusted service provider at WicWac

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Description of Company
About Us bbq cleanign comox record.jpeg At The Barbecue Cleaning Co, we take pride in being the leading BBQ cleaning and servicing company on Vancouver Island. With a history of over 25 years in the industry, our founder Richard started his journey at 13, working on BBQs. Richard's extensive experience and passion for BBQs have made him a well-known figure in the community. Having cleaned and serviced over 10,000 BBQs, his knowledge and expertise are unmatched. We have expanded our services from the Comox Valley to Southern Vancouver Island, including Victoria BC, to cater to a broader audience. Our team of cleaners is professionally trained, ensuring they provide top-notch service and cleaning. Moreover, our technicians are certified by the BC Technical Institute, guaranteeing professional and high-quality service. Whether you need a thorough cleaning or servicing for your BBQ, you can trust The Barbecue Cleaning Co. to deliver exceptional results. We are dedicated to ensuring that your BBQ is in optimal condition, allowing you to enjoy the best grilling experience possible.
Edmonton, AB T5J Canada
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