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Description of Company
Twyla Pitman Registered Physiotherapist North Shore Vancouver (North & West Vancouver) Twyla has been practicing physiotherapy for 25 years. Her experience has spanned a wide variety of rehabilitation areas. She has both a Bachelor of Physical Education (Athletic Therapy, University of Alberta) as well as a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Physiotherapy (McMaster University). Twyla began her career working at several outpatient orthopaedic clinics as well as working in a moderately-sized regional hospital in Calgary. She then took a position at the University of Calgary Sports Medicine Centre and found herself working amongst some of the top health care professionals in the region including Orthopedic Surgeons, Sports Physicians, Dietitians, Nurses as well as some of the most highy-educated physiotherapists in Canada. After gaining much experience in this position, Twyla chose to take a giant leap in another direction and decided to run away as a traveling physiotherapist for Cirque du Soleil. For 5 years Twyla toured Europe, Japan, New Zealand and Australia providing both daily rehabilitation treatments as well as on-stage emergency care to the performing artists. Once leaving Cirque du Soleil Twyla found herself living in Australia. It was while she was in Australia that she began working frequently with a senior population; she found her passion for this clientele by discovering what a difference she could make in their lives. Among Twyla's other interesting physiotherapy pursuits she has provided care to the Australian cast of Wicked (the musical), provided care to the performing arts crew on a cruise ship, and has provided physiotherapy care at multiple sporting events including sports such as volleyball, seniors games, the Australian Football League (AFL), figure skating, track and field and speed skating events. She has also mentored numerous students during their physiotherapy placements in both Canada and Australia. Twyla prides herself on her ability to make a sincere connection with her clients and add immediate value with her practical physiotherapy advice and effective treatment.
Vancouver, BC V5Y Canada
Services Offered
Rehab In The Home

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