Tutor Me Now Kitchener Waterloo - trusted service provider at WicWac

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Description of Company
If you are a student looking for some help or a parent looking for a tutor in Kitchener, Waterloo or Cambridge for their child then you have come to the right place! We are living in times where competition between students is fierce and it is important that no one gets left behind. Math can be one the most intimidating subjects to most students but it does not have to be. My team and I are a group of experienced tutors that are motivated, caring and well versed in the language of mathematics. Tutor Me Now offers help and guidance for all grades of high school math subjects. We cover the high school curriculum at the pace of your child’s learning ability with the intention of enhancing, empowering and enabling their true potential. We provide the service in a comfortable one on one setting at your home.My name is Shak Unvalla and am the founder of Tutor Me Now. I have been tutoring students since 2004. I started to tutor my class mates while I was in high school and since have continued because I realized I have a passion for teaching. I come from a family of teachers so I'm guessing that's where the passion comes from. I am a graduate from the University of Waterloo and have a Bachelor of Science degree. During my time in university I continued to teach high school students and on occasion tutored university students as well. In addition to tutoring students, I also worked at Essel Learning Centre for Gifted Students where I have taught Advanced Physics and Advanced Chemistry. I have taught a wide range of students from the intellectually inclined to the diversely troubled ones and all these students have been successful following my tutoring. Rather than an authoritative figure that demands a student do something they do not like, I take on the roles of inspiration and intrigue to develop self-motivation from within my students.
Kitchener, ON N2E 4K8 Canada
Services Offered
Private Math Tutoring in Kitchener
Private Math Tutoring in Waterloo
Private Math Tutoring in Cambridge

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