My Home Rehab, Inc

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Description of Company
Erwin Ketterer Owner/Founder Erwin graduated from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with a focus in rehabilitation. He is a member of the BC Association of Kinesiologists and has been practising as a kinesiologist for more than 8 years. Having worked with multiple therapists and through his own research, he has developed a unique approach to applied kinesiology – kinesiotherapy. As a certified kinesiologist, his main area of expertise is in physical rehabilitation for seniors mainly rehabilitation for hip, knee, joint replacement surgeries, stroke rehab, fall-related fractures and muscular weaknesses. For more than 7 years, Erwin has developed, implemented and coordinated customized therapy treatments that have helped seniors’ combat against age-related physical disabilities. In addition, he educates seniors living in communities through educational talks and information sessions. This also helps empower residents, staff and allied healthcare professionals in preventing injuries and improving recovery times for the seniors in their care.
Vancouver, BC V5Y Canada
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